Seminars - Study days - Conferences

As part of their activities, the researchers of the cross-cutting group organize scientific events (seminars, international symposiums or study days) during which are invited researchers from the LABEX and external personalities.

The professional groups that actually operate the city are in varying degrees in contact with users. This public, city dwellers or transients benefit from their services more or less directly. For certain types of professionals, the users are far enough as for sewer workers or on the contrary very close as for bus drivers, for example. Some groups of professionals are invisible to users such as water supply workers, for example, and others, on the other hand, very visible as security guards. How are the relations between these professionals and users created? What are their relations in concrete interactions and how are reciprocal representations constructed on both sides?




As the scope of the city's business functions is very broad, the Cross-cutting Group focuses its scientific activities on the functions of the urban metabolism and the trades that perform these functions: water supply | sewerage purification sewage | garbage removal cleaning sweeping | sorting and waste treatment | energy distribution (gas, electricity, district heating) | telecom networks (cable, fiber optic, wireless video surveillance) | traffic control (regulation) parking | parks and gardens green spaces, etc .....

The city and professions

As a first approach, the city's trades can be grouped according to some major functions: the design of the city and its functional diagrams (planners, planners, technicians, engineers) | the production of the city, its material manufacture (workers, technicians and engineers of the construction, the BTP | the administration of the city (professions of the urban governance, professions of the municipal administration, executives and administrative employees | the daily operation of the city, the exploitation of the networks, the urban metabolism.

Programs of scientific events (to download)


A considerable part of the functions of the urban metabolism is linked to passenger transport operations with public transport by underground rail (Metro, RER) or surface (Tramway) or by road (BUS), goods transport, to both as urban deliveries to businesses and businesses, to individuals, but also removal of rubble from construction sites or garbage, supply of building materials, etc .... The trades that are responsible for these transport functions are already the subject of a research seminar "Transport and Professional Worlds".

Programs of scientific events (to download)