Post-doctoral studies : Recruitment
Recruitment of post-doctoral researchers is supported by the collective scientific environement of the cross-cutting group and also complies with strict criteria. LABEX recruits people who have completed their thesis outside of COMUE Université Paris-Est in order to developped cross-disciplinary trajectories that enable young researchers to expand upon their scientific culture.
Local applications are supported when they correspondant to contractual research (on top of LABEX's basic budget) for which local knowledge is a plus.
Post-doctoral researchers are hired on one-year contracts that may be renewed once.
Administrative procedure
| Composition of the Selection Commission The Selection Commission comprises LABEX management (Director, Assistant Director, Administrator) and the scientific project coordinator of the transversal group sponsoring the research project. |
2 | Research project development Research projects are developed by the LABEX transversal research groups which put forward recruitment needs. |
3 | Submit application Candidates must submit an application. The application file may be downloaded from the LABEX website and sent by email to the Administrator of LABEX based on a pre-defined timetable. |
4 | Pre-selection The transversal group scientific coordinators first draw up a list of candidates to be interviewed. |
5 | Organisation of interview The candidates on the lists communicated by the transversal groups are sent an email by the Administrator of LABEX inviting them to present their research project before the Selection Commission. They are interviewed by a commission comprising LABEX management and the scientific project coordinators of the transversal group sponsoring the research project. |
6 | The Commission’s decision Once the candidates have been interviewed, the commission deliberates and validates the applicant to be hired on a one-year contract (renewable once). |
| Hiring procedure Once it has been informed of the decision and received the hirees’ file, Université Paris-Est draws up the post-doctoral research contract. The post-doctoral research hiree is hosted in one of LABEX Urban Futures’ research labs. |