Second LABEX international conference
LABEX WEEK - 19 to 23 January 2015
LABEX Urban Futures’ scientific dynamic has gradually been organised around a certain number of transversal groups that bring together researchers from various different labs working on current hot topics concerning the future of cities and territories.
In the course of the week, various groups used seminars, symposiums and public conferences to show how each can contribute, become familiar with current research and review the dynamic currently at work within LABEX Urban Futures.
Public conferences
Throughout the week, each of the transversal research groups in turn organised an event targeting the general public. The sheer range of themes made it possible to devise a rich and varied programme: keynote lectures delivered by heavyweight French or non-French scientific personalities, interactive debates and presentations of research findings, an interactive exhibition, etc. To find out more
Cross-cutting Group seminars
Alongside events and public conferences, the 10 LABEX Urban Futures transversal groups organised events linked to their own research focuses (symposiums, workshops, working groups, etc.). To find out more