International network on diffuses cities and urbanisation
Presentation of research project
The objective is to set up an international network that will bring together reserach institutions and researchers working on "scattered urbanisation". This expression encompasses relativelydense and discontinuous urbanisation processes across extended territories where coexisting heterogeneous urban, rural and industrial forms give rise to hybrid socio- spatial configurations. These massive urbanisation processes break down into a variety of forms and have come to be know by different names, including città diffusa in Italy, périurbain in France, edge cities and post-urbanization in North America, and desakota in South-East Asia and China. To find our more.
Scientific coordination
Project stakholders
Researchers from inside or outside LABEX research teams with cross-cutting disciplinary backgrounds are actively involved in the Cross-cutting Group's scientific projects. To find out more.
Scientific events
The network's researchers organise scientific events ( seminars, international conferences or study days) to which LABEX researchers and outside personalities are invited. To find out more.