Doctorate - doctoral contracts : administrative procedure
In order to move cross-cutting group research forward, funding is required for theses to top up research grants. Two campaigns for allocating PhD contracts have been launched covering applications for 2015/2018 and 2016/2019 and six doctoral candidates have benefited. A new campaign will cover the 2017/2020 period.
Administrative procedure
| Composition of the Allocation Commission The allocation commission comprises LABEX management (Director, Assistant Director, Administrator) and the directors (and their representatives) of the doctoral schools concerned by the thesis subject, as well as the scientific project coordinator of the cross-cutting group sponsoring the thesis. The Director is invited to participate in the candidate's interview. |
| Thesis topics proposed by the cross-cutting groups Thesis subjects must correspond to research carried out by LABEX cross-cutting groups (the subject pitch must explain how the thesis will round out the cross-cutting group's research). For each thesis subject presented, a Monitoring Committe comprising researchers belonging to different research labs must bu mentioned. |
| Submit application Candidates must submit an application. The application file may be downloaded from the LABEX website and sent by email to the Administrator of LABEX based on a pre-defined timetable. |
| Pre-selection All applications received are sent to the scientific coordinators of the transversal groups who have spondored the thesis subject. Following a review of applications, the cross-cutting group scientific coordinators transmit the list of candidates to be interviewed by the Allocation Commission. |
| Organisation of interview The candidates on the lists communicated by the cross-cutting groups are sent an email by the Administrator of LABEX inviting them to present their research project before the Allocation Commission. |
| The Commission's decision Once the interviews have been held, the Allocation Commission select candidates who will be offered a three-year PhD contract. |
| Enrolling in PhD studies This decision is communicated to the doctoral school concerned by the thesis subject. Enrolment in PhD studies is validated by the doctoral school concerned. The doctoral candidate is hosted for the duration of their thesis in one of the LABEX Urban Futures' labs. |