Seminars - Study days - Conferences
As part of Cross-cutting Group's activities, scientific events are organised (seminars, international conferences or study days) to which LABEX researchers and outside personalities are invited.
2018 seminars
Hybrid electric energy systems low density urban environments - Friday 6 April 2018
In the global North and South, access to electric energy and the trustworthiness of networks are core issues of urban territorial development. In many spaces, a variety of energy systems have coexisted for some time, and continue to do so, leading to complex socio-technical interactions which affect political, economic and legal contexts. What impact will this process have on use aspects ? By gathering scholars, energy sector professionals, governmental and non- governmental agency representatives this series of study days will offer complementary perspectives on the co- evolution of cities and energy systems and help better identify structuring issues for scientific research.
Read the presentation and sessions by clicking on each of the links below.