The Cross-cutting Group was up in 2011 by Université Paris-Est at the same time as the creation of a Tourism hub by Marne-la-Vallée and the launch of Labex Futurs Urbains.
It comprises a multi-disciplinary team of researchs drawn from various different disciplines (economics, sociology, geography, planning-urbanism, history, architecture) representing a number of research labs (i.e. ACP -UPEM-, IPRAUS-AUSSER -ENSA Paris-Belleville-, CNRS), LAB'URBA -EIVP, UPEM, UPEC-, LVMT -UPEM, IFSTTAR, ENPC- within COMUE Paris-Est.
It aims to draw on both theoritical and applied research to understand the forms of transition that impact tourist, transport and mobility systems via territorial changes (primarily at the metropolitan scale but also including smaller-sized cities, mountain and rural regions, etc.)
More specifically, the aim is to :
- contribute to booming research into tourism in all its different forms ;
- support and host thesis projects ;
- exchange and forge partnerships with external professionals and partners ;
- facilitate exchanges via workshops and conferences.