Seminars - Study days - Conferences

The Cross-cutting Group organises scientific seminars, study days, field trips, summer schools and international scientific gatherings. Since the Cross-cutting Group has only been recently created, scientific seminars were its first focus (see next), with more diverse events to be held starting from 2021.

The scientific seminars

Year 2020


The aim of this seminar was to question the sustainable city narratives, particularly regarding the idea of re-naturing the city. It would thus enable reflections about the way the human / non-human relationship is built through the making of « new » urban artefacts such as nature-based solutions (NBS), the use of biosourced material such as wood, the production and integration of ecosystem services, and other processes conceived and presented as signals of the sustainable city. What representations of a « reworked » nature are these objects contributing to create in the urban space ?

Lastly, the role of social science and humanities, growingly drawn to interdisciplinary frames of research as they face these new public policy narratives, was examined : do they contribute to the illusion created, or on the contrary demystify it ?