"Cities as strategic places and players in a globalized world" PARIS - 18-20 June 2014

The City Futures III conference is also hosted by the "Urban Research Pole", the laboratory of Excellence "Urban Futures" (Futurs Urbains) which brings together 2 universities, several graduate schools, more than 10 research centers and about 300 researchers in the urban domain.

The Paris conference will build on and take forward the international dialogue that started at the first City Futures Joint Conference held in Chicago in July 2004 and the second conference held in Madrid in june 2009. Both events were attended by several hundred of scholars from all over the world.

The European Urban Research Association (EURA) and the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) will hold their third Joint Conference onCity Futures in Paris. We extend an invitation to colleagues from Europe, North America and from across the world to join us in a major forward looking conference examining the future of cities and their role in shaping the world.

The forces of globalisation have gathered pace, and a joint EURA/UAA conference in Paris in 2014 will play a valuable role in encouraging urban scholars, particularly younger scholars, to examine the changing role of cities in a comparative context.